European Parliament Guidance
Illicit Trade in Cultural Goods in Europe (2019).
This study contributes to a better understanding of the illicit trade in cultural goods in Europe by providing insights into its various aspects, such as source, transit and destination of illicitly traded goods; trafficking routes; trends and patterns of trafficking and illicit trade operations and actors involved. The study formulates a range of recommendations and concrete steps that the EU and Member States should undertake in order to intensify and render more effective their efforts in combatting illicit trade in cultural goods Research for CULT Committee - Best practices in sustainable
management and safeguarding of cultural heritage in the EU (2018). The study provides an overview of the benefits of cultural heritage conservation and describes good practices for sustainable management and safeguarding of tangible cultural heritage in the European Union. It also presents a brief overview of actions and programmes on the European level in the field of cultural heritage. |
Protecting the Cultural Heritage from Natural Disasters
(European Parliament Guidance, 2007). The study examines current national and international instruments and activities to protect cultural heritage from natural disasters, giving examples of best practices and describing problems and shortcomings. Based on an analysis of current and forthcoming EU legislation, priorities for action are defined. Given the increasing occurrence of natural disasters and their impact on cultural heritage, the authors recommend horizontal integration of the protection of cultural heritage from natural disasters into relevant EU policies. |
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